
Have your say on the future of events and activities at Ross Bandstand and West Princes Street Gardens

Ross bandstand

Views are being sought from the public on the future use and development of the Ross Bandstand and West Princes Street Gardens.

An launched this week aims to gather feedback on potential improvements and the type of events and cultural activities that could be hosted there.

Residents, businesses and the wider public have until Friday 20 December to give their feedback on the Council’s proposals, including their thoughts on ‘low impact’ and ‘major events’ including those that extend beyond the Bandstand and into other areas of the Gardens.

Currently, the maximum number of major events allowed at the Ross Bandstand and surrounding Gardens is four, which includes the annual Winter Festival, Summer Festival and a major event in September.

Looking ahead, the Council proposes that a major event could also be held in May.

Views are also being encouraged on the establishment of a Summer Festivals stage, providing opportunities for various festivals and community groups to contribute to a series of low-impact activities lasting up to eight weeks. These activities would be carefully programmed within the area of the Ross Bandstand

The consultation also highlights the parameters events are required to adhere to in the Gardens. This includes ensuring they remain fully open except for ticketed event performance days, with only limited and managed partial closures permitted outwith those times to ensure safe operations for event organisers and maintain public access. 

City of Edinburgh Council Leader Cammy Day, said:

Located in the heart of the city, nestled between the Old and New Towns beneath Edinburgh Castle, West Princes Gardens and the Ross Bandstand are cherished historic sites which have been enjoyed by residents and visitors for generations. We are keen to make sure this continues.

We understand that, as an important green space in the city, there are many perspectives to consider, especially concerning the variety of events that could be hosted in the Gardens. That’s why it’s essential for us to gather input from as many people as possible. We know that many will want to share their views and join us in agreeing a strategy for the years ahead.

Further information

A consultation on Princes Street and Waverley Valley will launch later in November and will look at how we conserve and revitalise the area, including West and East Princes Street Gardens. This will look at improvements to the Ross Bandstand and access to West Princes Street Gardens as well as climate resilience and biodiversity .

Published: November 6th 2024